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Examples of word types for each Case value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
Dat Nom NA Acc Gen
microsoft 3;Sing microsoft microsoft - microsoft -
telekom 3;Fem;Sing - - telekom - -
deutschland 3;Sing - - deutschland - -
deutschland 3;Neut;Sing - deutschland - - -
usa 3;Plur - - usa - -
usa 3 - - usa - -
intel 3;Sing intel intel - intel -
intel 3 - - intel - -
aol 3;Sing aol aol - aol -
aol 3 - - aol - -
ibm 3;Sing ibm ibm - ibm -
ibm 3 - - ibm - -
europa 3;Fem;Sing - - europa - -
europa 3;Sing - - europa - -
amd 3;Sing amd amd - amd -
amd 3;Fem;Sing - - amd - -
c't 3;Fem;Sing - - c't - -
c't 3 - - c't - -
windows 3;Sing - - windows - -
windows 3 - - windows - -
telepolis 3 - - telepolis - telepolis
napster 3;Sing napster napster - napster -
linux 3;Sing - - linux - -
linux 3 - - linux - -
apple 3;Sing apple apple apple apple -
icann 3 - - icann - -
sun 3;Fem;Sing - - sun - -
sun 3;Sing sun sun sun sun -
online 3;Sing - - online - -
online 3 - - online - -
telecom 3;Fem;Sing - - telecom - -
telecom 3;Sing - telecom - - -
t-online 3;Fem;Sing - - t-online - -
t-online 3;Sing t-online t-online t-online t-online -
siemens 3;Sing siemens siemens - siemens siemens
siemens 3;Plur - - siemens - -
cebit 3 - - cebit - -
heise 3;Sing heise heise heise heise -
compaq 3;Sing compaq compaq - compaq -
microsofts 3;Sing - - - - microsofts
gates 3;Sing gates gates - gates gates
gates 3 - - - - gates
gates 3;Plur - - gates - -
bertelsmann 3;Sing bertelsmann bertelsmann - bertelsmann -
bertelsmann 3;Fem;Sing - - bertelsmann - -
bertelsmann 3 - - bertelsmann - -
sony 3;Sing sony sony - sony -
sony 3 - - sony - -
motorola 3;Sing motorola motorola - motorola -
berlin 3;Sing - - berlin - -