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Examples of word types for each Number value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
Sing Plur NA
bush bush bush -
us us - -
iraq iraq - -
al al - -
enron enron - -
united united - -
iran iran - -
china china - -
states states states -
new new - -
india india - -
john john - -
qaeda qaeda - -
president president - -
george george - -
friday friday - -
may may - -
dr. dr. - -
pakistan pakistan - -
september september - -
americans - americans -
mr. mr. - -
april april - -
jeff jeff - -
monday monday - -
july july - -
texas texas - -
national national - -
zawahiri zawahiri - -
houston houston - -