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Examples of word types for each Person value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
3 NA 1
be Ind;Past;Sing was was was
be - be -
be Ind;Pres - 're -
be Ind;Pres;Sing is - am
be Ind;Past - were -
be Past - been -
be Imp - be -
have Ind;Pres - have -
have Ind;Pres;Sing has - -
have Ind;Past - had -
have - having -
will - will -
do Ind;Pres - do -
do Ind;Pres;Sing does - -
do Ind;Past - did -
do Imp - do -
do - do -
can - can -
would - would -
could - could -
should - should -
may - may -
might - might -
must - must -
get - get -
get Ind;Past - got -
get Ind;Pres - get -
get Ind;Pres;Sing gets - -
get Imp - get -
shall - shall -
ought - ought -