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Examples of word types for each Number value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
NA Sing
et et -
al. al. -
de de -
etc. etc. -
formica formica -
fusca fusca -
樋口 樋口 -
@ord@ 4. -
4 4 -
etc etc -
2 2 -
beauveria beauveria -
bassiana bassiana -
3 3 -
1 1 -
del del -
(a) (a) -
(b) (b) -
(c) (c) -
paseo paseo -
montejo montejo -
i.e. i.e. -
vogelaviatiolap vogelaviatiolap -
andrillae andrillae -
calle calle -
palacio palacio -
gobierno gobierno -
taonga taonga -
一葉 一葉 -
奈津 奈津 -