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Examples of word types for each Person value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
people Plur people
time Sing time
time Plur times
year Plur years
year Sing year
city Sing city
city Plur cities
way Sing way
way Plur ways
day Plur days
day Sing day
study Plur studies
study Sing study
language Sing language
language Plur languages
thing Sing thing
thing Plur things
part Plur parts
part Sing part
something Sing something
work Sing work
work Plur works
game Plur games
game Sing game
world Sing world
world Plur worlds
system Sing system
system Plur systems
school Sing school
school Plur schools
research Sing research
word Sing word
word Plur words
example Sing example
example Plur examples
area Sing area
area Plur areas
water Sing water
water Plur waters
life Sing life
life Plur lives
basil Sing basil
basil Plur basils
field Sing field
field Plur fields
box Sing box
box Plur boxes
friend Plur friends
friend Sing friend
number Sing number
number Plur numbers
question Sing question
question Plur questions
lot Sing lot
lot Plur lots
ant Plur ants
ant Sing ant