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Examples of word types for each Case value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
NA Nom
man Sing man -
man Plur men -
data Sing data -
time Sing time -
time Plur times -
page Plur pages -
page Sing page -
file Sing file -
file Plur files -
field Plur fields -
field Sing field -
way Sing way -
way Plur ways -
thing Sing thing -
thing Plur things -
query Sing query -
query Plur queries -
mr Sing mr -
mr - mr.
view Sing view -
view Plur views -
year Plur years -
year Sing year -
line Sing line -
line Plur lines -
hand Sing hand -
hand Plur hands -
father Sing father -
day Sing day -
day Plur days -
pivottable Sing pivottable -
report Sing report -
report Plur reports -
woman Sing woman -
woman Plur women -
place Plur places -
place Sing place -
eye Plur eyes -
eye Sing eye -
people Plur people -
face Sing face -
face - faces
door Sing door -
door Plur doors -
mother Sing mother -
house Sing house -
house Plur houses -
area Plur areas -
area Sing area -
connection Sing connection -
question Plur questions -
question Sing question -
name Sing name -
name Plur names -