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Examples of word types for each Case value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
NA Nom
be 3;Ind;Pres;Sing is -
be Ind;Pres are -
be be 're
be 1;Ind;Past;Sing was -
be Ind;Past were -
be 1;Ind;Pres;Sing am -
be Past;Sub were -
say Ind;Past said -
say say -
say 3;Ind;Pres;Sing says -
say Pres saying -
say Imp say -
say Ind;Pres say -
say Past said -
have have 've
have Ind;Past had -
have Ind;Pres have -
have 3;Ind;Pres;Sing has -
have Imp have -
go go -
go Past gone -
go Ind;Past went -
go Pres going -
go 3;Ind;Pres;Sing goes -
go Ind;Pres go -
go Imp go -
come come -
come Pres coming -
come Imp come -
come Ind;Past came -
come Ind;Pres come -
come Past come -
come 3;Ind;Pres;Sing comes -
know know -
know 3;Ind;Pres;Sing knows -
know Ind;Pres know -
know Past known -
know Ind;Past knew -
know Pres knowing -
see see -
see Ind;Past saw -
see Past seen -
see Ind;Pres see -
see Pres seeing -
see Imp see -
see 3;Ind;Pres;Sing sees -
make make -
make Past made -
make Ind;Past made -
make Ind;Pres make -
make 3;Ind;Pres;Sing makes -
make Pres making -
take Ind;Past took -
take take -
take Pres taking -
take Past taken -
take Ind;Pres take -
take 3;Ind;Pres;Sing takes -
do Ind;Pres do -
do Past done -
do do -
do Ind;Past did -
do Pres doing -
do 3;Ind;Pres;Sing does -
look Ind;Past looked -
look Ind;Pres look -
look Pres looking -
look Imp look -
look look -
look 3;Ind;Pres;Sing looks -
use Pres using -
use use used
use Ind;Pres use -
use Past used -
use 3;Ind;Pres;Sing uses -
use Ind;Past used -
use Imp use -
get Ind;Past got -
get get -
get Pres getting -
get Ind;Pres get -
get Past got -
get Sub get -
get 3;Ind;Pres;Sing gets -
think think -
think Ind;Past thought -
think Ind;Pres think -
think Pres thinking -
think 3;Ind;Pres;Sing thinks -
think Imp think -
think Past thought -
seem Ind;Past seemed -
seem seem -
seem Ind;Pres seem -
seem 3;Ind;Pres;Sing seems -
give give -
give Pres giving -
give Ind;Past gave -
give 3;Ind;Pres;Sing gives -
give Past given -
give Ind;Pres give -
want want -
want Ind;Past wanted -
want Pres wanting -
want Ind;Pres want -
want 3;Ind;Pres;Sing wants -
want Past wanted -
feel Ind;Pres feel -
feel Pres feeling -
feel feel -
feel Ind;Past felt -
feel 3;Ind;Pres;Sing feels -
tell Ind;Past told -
tell tell -
tell Ind;Pres tell -
tell 3;Ind;Pres;Sing tells -
tell Imp tell -
tell Past told -
tell Pres telling -
find Past found -
find Ind;Past found -
find Ind;Pres find -
find find -
find Pres finding -
find Imp find -
find 3;Ind;Pres;Sing finds -
move Pres moving -
move Ind;Past moved -
move move -
move Ind;Pres move -
move Past moved -
move Imp move -
sit Ind;Past sat -
sit sit -
sit Pres sitting -
sit Ind;Pres sit -
sit Imp sit -
create create -
create Pres creating -
create Ind;Past created -
create Past created -
create 3;Ind;Pres;Sing creates -
create Ind;Pres create -
try Pres trying -
try Ind;Past tried -
try Imp try -
try Ind;Pres try -
try try -
hear hear -
hear Ind;Pres hear -
hear Past heard -
hear Ind;Past heard -
hear Pres hearing -
keep Ind;Past kept -
keep keep -
keep Pres keeping -
keep 3;Ind;Pres;Sing keeps -
keep Past kept -
turn Pres turning -
turn Ind;Past turned -
turn Ind;Pres turn -
turn turn -
turn 3;Ind;Pres;Sing turns -
begin begin -
begin Pres beginning -
begin Past begun -
begin Ind;Past began -
begin 3;Ind;Pres;Sing begins -
leave Ind;Past left -
leave Past left -
leave Pres leaving -
leave leave -
leave Ind;Pres leave -
talk talk -
talk Pres talking -
talk Ind;Past talked -
talk Ind;Pres talk -