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Examples of word types for each Tense value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
work Sing work
work Plur works
commission Sing commission
time Sing time
time Plur times
right Sing right
right Plur rights
country Plur countries
country Sing country
year Plur years
year Sing year
parliament Sing parliament
state Plur states
state Sing state
member Plur members
member Sing member
president Sing president
president Plur presidents
programme Sing programme
programme Plur programmes
programme programme
people Plur people
people people
people Sing people
directive Sing directive
directive Plur directives
directive Fem;Sing directive
play Plur plays
play Sing play
license Sing license
license Plur licenses
mister Masc;Sing mr
mister Masc mr.
life Sing life
life Plur lives
fund Plur funds
fund Sing fund
growth Sing growth
economy Sing economy
economy Plur economies
term Plur terms
term Sing term
report Sing report
report Plur reports
society Sing society
society Plur societies
safety Sing safety
way Sing way
way Plur ways
market Plur markets
market Sing market
action Sing action
action Plur actions
product Sing product
product Plur products
development development
development Sing development
development Plur developments
account Sing account
account Plur accounts