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Examples of word types for each Gender value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
Fem Masc NA
_ Sing _ _ _
_ Plur _ _ -
_ - _ _
paris Sing - paris -
france Sing france france -
michel Sing - michel -
jacques Sing - jacques -
jean Sing jean jean -
francfort Sing - francfort -
bruxelles Sing - bruxelles -
edf Sing edf - -
edf - - edf
air Sing - air -
matra Sing - matra -
londres Sing - londres -
elf Sing - elf -
elf - - elf
citicorp Sing citicorp citicorp -
pékin Sing - pékin pékin
lyon Sing - lyon -
bouygues - - bouygues
bouygues Sing - bouygues -
thomson - - thomson
thomson Sing - thomson -
état Plur - etats -
hachette Sing - hachette -
alain Sing - alain -
bernard Sing - bernard -
pierre Sing - pierre -
gorbatchev Sing - gorbatchev -
stéphane Sing - stéphane -
claude Sing claude claude -
renault Sing renault renault -
mannesmann Sing - mannesmann -
steven Sing - steven -
baccarat Sing baccarat - -