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Examples of word types for each Number value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
Plur Sing NA Dual
Dat;Masc τοῖς τῷ - -
Acc;Masc τοὺς τὸν - -
Masc;Nom οἱ - τὼ
Fem;Gen τῶν τῆς - τοῖν
Gen;Masc τῶν τοῦ - τοῖν
Acc;Neut τὰ τὸ - τὼ
Dat;Neut τοῖς τῷ - -
Acc;Fem τὰς τὴν - τὼ
Neut;Nom τὰ τὸ - τὼ
Dat;Fem ταῖς τῇ - -
Fem;Nom αἱ - -
Gen;Neut τῶν τοῦ - -
- - -
οὗ Dat;Masc - οἱ - -
ὅς Acc;Neut - - -
ὅς Gen;Neut - τοῦ - -