Back to Gender information

Examples of word types for each Gender value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
NA Masc
i i -
zan zan -
o o -
munnezz munnezz -
mafammiilpiacere mafammiilpiacere -
cell cell -
free free -
ricari… ricari… -
sicuram sicuram -
ij ij -
k k -
male Sing - mal
e e -
cap... cap... -
noncelapossofà noncelapossofà -
indoor indoor -
dinatale dinatale -
#labuonascuola #labuonascuola -
euro e -
skydark skydark -
good good -
like like -
made made -
c... c... -
ripijate ripijate -
personal personal -
branding branding -
cc cc - -
girl girl -