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Examples of word types for each Case value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
NA Gen
norge norge norges
obama obama obamas
regjeringen regjeringen regjeringens
oslo oslo oslos
usa usa usas
cathrine cathrine cathrines
den den -
stortinget Neut stortinget stortingets
svalbard svalbard svalbards
fn fn fns
romney romney romneys
europa europa europas
jan Masc jan -
martin Masc martin martins
martin martin -
kina kina kinas
olav Masc olav olavs
justin justin justins
erik Masc erik -
cnn cnn cnns
hagen hagen hagens
trondheim trondheim -
sv sv svs
the the -
barack barack -
fashanu fashanu fashanus
new new -
vg vg vgs
johansen johansen johansens
frp frp frps
stoltenberg stoltenberg stoltenbergs