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Examples of word types for each Mood value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
a a
dayo dayo
ayib ayib
tekk tekk
jàkk jàkk
tónneet tónneet
baax baax
loxo loxo
temm temm
këtt këtt
jonn jonn
cunduŋ cunduŋ
jërr jërr
fàŋŋ fàŋŋ
kow kow
bëreet bëreet
ñoyy ñoyy
gaaf gaaf
peŋŋ peŋŋ
bunom bunom
xujj xujj
xell xell
tàq tàq
gàññ gàññ
waar waar
gannaaw gannaaw
dell dell