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Examples of word types for each Number value :

The word types shown below are ordered by token frequency in the treebank.

Lemma Morphosyntactic
6-2 6-2
% %
7-5 7-5
6-4 6-4
6-3 6-3
km² km²
6-1 6-1
» »
m m
4-6 4-6
v.chr. v.chr.
( (
, ,
5-7 5-7
km km
& &
- -
2003- 2003-
) )
6-0 6-0
7-6 7-6
3-6 3-6
1-6 1-6
6-7 6-7
= =
! !
2006- 2006-
/ /
... ...
2005- 2005-